• PLEASE READ CAREFULLY TO ENSURE THAT YOU ARE COMPLETING THE CORRECT FORM FOR THE CORRECT SCHOOL YEAR.  For more information please contact Stacey Morgan at 541-830-6563 or email



    Incoming "Interdistrict" Transfer -  If you reside outside the boundaries of the Eagle Point School District and wish to attend school in our district, you need to receive a release from your resident district. Once you have requested your release please click here: 2024-25 Incoming Transfer Request Form PLEASE NOTE: You may not be placed in your school of preference. Final placement is determined by the D9 Administration based on class size and availability of programs. 

    **If your student is attending an EPSD9 school on an Interdistrict Transfer from a previous year, you do not have to submit a new request.

    Outgoing "Interdistrict" Transfer - Per Board policy, EPSD9 does not release students to other school districts on an interdistrict transfer. 


    Hardship Transfers - PLEASE NOTE: Only families that meet the hardship requirement (OAR 581-21-0019) will be considered for a transfer to another district. Once approved, you do not need to request it again.
     2024-25 Hardship Transfer Request Form 

    (Please refer to Board JECF-AR for more information on Hardship Transfers)


    Intradistrict Transfer - Complete this form if your child is a resident of the Eagle Point School District and you wish to transfer from one school within the district to another school within the district.

    *The time frame for this request is from April 1, 2025, to May 31, 2025, for the 2025-26 school year.