- Eagle Point School District 9
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Family Resources
We encourage families to establish their own digital media and device contracts once the school-issued iPad begins coming home. Common Sense Media has toolkits that can help guide that discussion. A solid contract with your child sets expectations for activities such as social networking, gaming, and surfing the internet.It is important to monitor how your child uses the device at home. Filtering systems are in place for inappropriate use, but no system is perfect. EPSD9 student devices are monitored using Securly. Learn more about Securly's Parent Portal at https://www.securly.com/products/parent-portal.
Additional recommendations include having a nightly charging location for your student’s device, preferably not in their room. Review the iPad User Guidance outlined in the EPSD9's Technology Handbook for school expectations about Power Management and general care and routines.
We understand that accidents can happen and result in a damaged device. We encourage the purchase of the $25 optional iPad Protection Plan, which is detailed in the EPSD9's Technology Handbook. Without this iPad Protection Plan, students will be responsible for all repair costs up to the iPad replacement cost. Should you choose to purchase iPad Protection Plan after your school has issued the student devices, you can still opt-in by taking your student's iPad to their school office for inspection and making the $25 payment.Parents may find the following resources helpful while parenting in this digital age.
Common Sense Media
Connect Safely
The Family Online Safety Institute
Google Safety Center