• 2022-23 Audit Results and Recap of Auditors’ Presentation to Audit Committee

    The Eagle Point School District 9 Audit Committee met with KDP CPA’s to receive the Financial Statements and Independent Auditor’s Report for 2022-23 and to hear the results of the School District’s annual financial audit. The report was presented by Jeny Grupe, Audit Partner, and Ben Cohn, Audit Manager, with KDP CPA’s of Medford Oregon.

    In the Independent Auditor’s Reports, the School District received an unmodified (or “Clean”) audit opinion with no significant deficiencies in internal controls, no instances of noncompliance, and no significant issues noted. As part of the audit process KDP CPA’s audited the School District’s expenditures of Federal awards and the District’s compliance with grant requirements, and reported no findings, no questioned costs, and no instances of noncompliance. The “unmodified” opinion received by the School District is the highest level of assurance for stewardship of public funds.

    On, January 24, 2024, the Eagle Point School Board received a summary of audit results, accepted the 2022-23 Financial Statements and Independent Auditor's Report as presented, and thanked EPSD9 Business Office staff for their excellent work keeping the School District’s financial affairs in such a high state.


  • Our Accounting Department is made up of a team that handles many dimensions of the accounting demands of Eagle Point School District. All district requisitions for purchases are routed through our Accounting Department. The district’s grants and other funds are monitored by this department. The Accounting department is also responsible for the district’s budget and audit. 

    Nick Hogan Director of Business Services 541-830-6559

    Nick Hogan
    Director of Business Services

    Nick Hogan Director of Business Services 541-830-6559  

    Art Soffner
    District Accountant

    Angie Hamilton Accounts Payable  541-830-6564

    Angie Hamilton
    Accounts Payable 